NASAM Updates

These are information updates from the various sections at the site. These are all the departments.

NASAM Open on Sunday

NASAM Open on Sunday

NASAM Open on Sunday The Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum is ready to open its doors to the general public this coming Sunday the 6th September 2020.  This is on plan with our reopening schedule.  This schedule involved training the Volunteers and running a Museum Members Only Day last Sunday. Museum Members Day (report) On […]

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Busy Two Days

Busy Two Days

Busy Two Days @ NASAM … The Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum had a busy two days towards the end of last week.  Organisations and people sensing a “getting back to normal” requested permission for special visits to the Museum.  Two of those requests materialised in the nephew of a WWII airman requesting to see

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Reopening – Further Updates

Reopening – Further Updates

Reopening the Museum – Further Updates … Readers of the blog will know from the 21st August update that we intended to carry out Volunteer training this past week.  I can report that the training went well and we have sufficient volunteers willing to come along on the Members Only Admission Day and on the

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