NASAM Updates

These are information updates from the various sections at the site. These are all the departments.

2020 Events @NASAM

2020 Event Days @NASAM

Events in 2020 at NASAM The event list compiled so far for the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum in 2020 is shown below.  These are the events either organised by the Museum or definitely booked into the Museum diary. Event Schedule   Sun 19th Jan through to Tue 31st Mar NASAM reverts to the normal […]

2020 Event Days @NASAM Read More »

Tuesday @ NASAM – 7 Jan 2020


Tuesday @ NASAM – 7 Jan 2020 or WE SEE THE LIGHT Tuesday, the 7th Jan 2020 saw some of the volunteers at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum cut back the overgrown brush along the right-hand side of the carpark. We were helped at times by a Robin which was looking for insects that

Tuesday @ NASAM – WE SEE THE LIGHT Read More »

Visit by Blundeston School – 26 Nov 19

Visit by Blundeston Primary School on 26 Nov 19 In their second visit of the year, Blundeston Primary School came to the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum on the 26th November 2019. As before the pupils were split into groups to learn about Evacuees, the Home Front, experience the confines of our Anderson Shelter and

Visit by Blundeston School – 26 Nov 19 Read More »