Earsham C.E. V.A. Primary School Visit

School Visit .. Earsham C.E. V.A. Primary School Visit ..27th March 2018 ….

Children from the Earsham Primary School visited on Tuesday 27th March 2018.  The children visited as part of their WWII studies.

The pupils, as usual, were split into three groups which rotated through all three sets of activities throughout the day.

Earsham Primary School


Activity One allowed the children to study the Home Front.  In this activity, they had the chance to sit in one of our historic aircraft, the Sea Prince.  In the Sea Prince,  they learn about the antisubmarine role that this aircraft undertook.  They also have the opportunity to look through the Museum at the WWII military artefacts and also sit in our Anderson shelter and experience the myriad of sound effects associated with an air-raid. 

Home Front Activities


The second activity was the Link Trainer area where they have a chance to take the controls of a number of the Flight Simulators (both modern’ish and historical) and actually get their hands on the flight controls to take a flight in one of the simulators. They also have the opportunity to look at some of the weapons that were used in WWII.

Link Trainer Activities and Weapons


The third activity was the area of Evacuees where they get chance to handle and try on military and civilian WWII artefacts.  As part of the WWII studies, the Museum has specially made replica gas masks for the children to try on if they wish.  These masks do not contain asbestos (which was present in the original items), and they all try to save the baby with the baby’s respirator.  They have 9 seconds to do this working, on the old wartime chant of: ‘on in five stay alive, on in nine just in time’

Evacuees Activities

The groups that rotated through the museum took lots of photographs, and some of these are shown above.

The children seemed to enjoy their day of studies, and the Volunteers at the Museum hope that they had an enjoyable as well as an informative learning day with us.

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