Today @ NASAM – 29th May 2018

Today at the Museum – 29th May 2018

Just a short note on visitors to the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum today, the 29th May 2018.

Five vehicles from the Austin A30 and A38 Owners Club that had attended the 2018 International Rally which was held at Flax Farm near Diss, Norfolk called at the Museum on their way back to the South of England. 

The International rally had seen vehicles from the UK, Holland and Sweden, although the five at the Museum all had UK plates.  It was thought that 100+ Austin A30’s and A38’s had attended the rally in Diss.

Speaking to the people, they thoroughly enjoyed the Museum and one couple said that they were likely to return next time they were in the area. 

Images of the well-presented vehicles: 

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2 thoughts on “Today @ NASAM – 29th May 2018”

  1. There were three there on 28th too, all with Dutch plates. It’s nice when the car park is interesting too, adds to an already fabulous place to visit.

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