MG Cars at Flixton 24th Jun 2018

MG Cars at Flixton 24th Jun 2018 …

MG cars from the Anglia MGF and MGTF Owners Club gathered at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum on Sunday 24th June 2018.  The organisers estimated that around 50 owners would arrive, but on the day, and I guess partly due to the superb weather conditions, it is estimated that 70+ arrived.  The Anglia MGF and TF club is a local section of the MG Car Club, with owners from Lowestoft in the East through to Cambridge in the West, and from Essex in the South through to North Norfolk.

The Anglia MG Car Club website can be found at::   MGCC Anglia Centre

The cars arrived from 9.30 AM onwards and by lunchtime, the paddocks and parking sapces around the Bloodhound Missile, either side of Wreckology and in front of the Valetta were full, as can be seen from the photos below.

Some of the cars were entered into a new competition on the day for the “best in show”.  The winner of the trophy (and I don’t mind plugging this award) was Russell Cook from Colchester with his restored 1975 MGB GT V8.  He was awarded the “Flixton Flyer” Trophy.  We hope he will return the trophy next year for another gathering of the Anglia MGF and MGTF Owners Club cars.

Flixton Flyer Winner (click on photo to expand)

MG Cars on the day (click on photo to expand)

Author:: bloginfo
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