Woods Loke Primary School visit 26th Jun 2018

Woods Loke, Lowestoft, school visit …

Tuesday 26th June 2018 we had our second visit of 60 children from Woods Loke Primary School from Lowestoft who are studying World War Two.  

It was a glorious day, and the children arrived excited and very eager to learn. 


Barry Baxter took groups to study the Home Front which included sitting in an Anderson shelter which had been dug up from a garden in Norwich. 

Steve Bell and the Link Team had groups having a ‘flight’ in one of our World War Two Flight simulators plus our computerised flight programmes. 

Bob Collis, a well known local historian from Lowestoft, joined us with stories from WW2 in Lowestoft and the roles of Bomber Command and the 446th Bomb Group. 

Pam Veale had groups in our Valetta aircraft to talk about Evacuees; there was the opportunity for the children to try on WW2 items, it did become very noisy at times especially with the gas rattle and ‘saving the baby’. 

These days are an opportunity for the museum to host local schools and introduce them to a serious subject, but also to see that museums can be fun.

Images from the Day (click to enlarge)

Author:: Pam Veale
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