Woods Loke Primary School Update

Woods Loke Primary School Update ……

Following is an extract from a note sent by the School along with a few photographs taken by the school on the day.

Our visit to the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum at Flixton was a fantastic day out!

It is evident the volunteers at the museum work tirelessly to provide an immersive experience for the children, bringing history to life. The children of Years 3 and 4  from Woods Loke Primary School were treated to a day tailored to their learning needs. They are currently studying World War 2 and the Flixton staff provided a carousel of activities that allowed the children to see many artifacts accompanied by information delivered from passionate and knowledgeable individuals. Opportunities to fly in simulators, hold rifles, try on gas masks, sound a gas rattle, see real plane wreckage, wear parts of different WW2 uniforms (not to mention a real Spitfire pilot’s helmet that served in the Battle of Britain) all added to the excitement of the day.

Thank you to the staff at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum, you were the best!

Mr R Javes – Lower Key Stage 2 Manager – Woods Loke Primary School

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