Family Fun Day 22nd July 2018

Family Fun Day @ NASAM – 22nd July 2018

This year’s family fun day at the museum was certainly warm. Amongst the victims was the face painting. It was so hot that the paint melted rather than stay put on faces!

The miniature donkeys were a great success with a constant queue of people waiting to pet the donkeys.

The Vintage Military and Amateur Radio stand attracted a lot of attention and seemed to be constantly communicating with someone.

The Spitfire Quiz proved popular with several family teams identifying almost all the correct answers and winning a prize. The quiz was set so that getting all of the answers was quite difficult, but one family did manage just that, so congratulations to them.

During the day we were pleased to see the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster perform a flypast over the Museum.  Three passes were made and one was recorded on a short video clip shown below (thanks to Les who provided the clip).

During the day also we were honoured to host the unveiling of the Airfield of Britain Conservation Trust Memorial to Bungay Airfield.  Details of this unveiling will be in a blog to be released later this week. …. Watch this blog space.

Short Video Clip of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster

Other images from the day

Author:: Steve Bell
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