Diary Date – Ride of Remembrance – 28th August 2018

Three Counties Ride of Remembrance – 28th August 2018

The Biker Veterans will be taking part in a Ride of Remembrance for eight days with a motorcycle tour of Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.  On Tuesday the 28th August 2018, they will be at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum.  They are raising funds for Combat Stress, the Royal British Legion and the RAF100 Appeal.

From their Facebook Page::

Please come along and join the tour either on the rideout or by turning up at the destination to show your support.

On the 28th August 2018, the Rideout will assemble at 09.00 at Wickham Market and then ride onto the Norfolk & Suffolk Aviation Museum at Flixton aiming to arrive at 10.15

Whilst at the museum, the riders will carry out an Act of Remembrance including a Wreath laying which you are invited to attend.

The Bikers aim to raise money for service charities during our tour and ask that riders make a contribution to any one of the charities listed via the following JustGiving pages.


Please note that most of the museums we are visiting are free, however where entry fees are payable you will need to pay for entrance.

Please share the hell out of our event – the more the merrier (and the more we raise for charity)!

If you can’t make this date, look out for the other dates this week as we are riding for 8 days around Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambs.

Museum Poster for the Ride:

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