Blundeston Primary School Visit 19 Mar 2019

Blundeston Primary School Visit 19 Mar 2019

Around 30 pupils and two members of staff from Blundeston school visited the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum today (19th March 2019). The school had not been to the museum before although one lad did tell me that he had been before, “a long time ago” when he was six.

They split into three groups and learned about Evacuees, the Home Front and had a chance to try flying either one of our Link Trainers or the computer-based simulators.

At the end of the visit, the group posed for a photograph in front of our Hunter by the hangar.

Author::  Steve Bell

From the School::


Many thanks again for today, the children and I had a wonderful time and are very grateful to all of you who put on a fab day for us!

I’ve attached a few photos, we don’t have any permission restrictions so feel free to use 😊

“best school trip ever” – Dexter!

Kind regards


Images from the school visit

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