The 1940s Day @ NASAM

The 1940s Day @ NASAM – Sunday 28th April 2019

What a great day. The Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum was heaving with visitors, many of whom wore 1940’s costumes, there was much laughing and dancing in the hangar.

Spot on 16.04 a Spitfire from the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight gave us a spirited flypast which was much enjoyed by everyone.

Author:: Pam Veale

Images from the day (Gwen Jackson)

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3 thoughts on “The 1940s Day @ NASAM”

  1. It was such a shame for the genuine enthusiasts who would have liked to purchase a uniform item for themselves. A great day but I think an explanation is noteworthy to disappointed people regarding the surplus items that were due to be on sale. Always a fan of Flixton.

    1. Thank you for your comments above, although I was not at the event day, I understand that what uniforms were on sale, sold very quickly. The Chairman and the Archivist are now reviewing the remainder of our stock to see what is accessioned in order to have another batch of uniforms ready for sale later in the year. Please see our events page or blog for details nearer the time. …bloginfo

      1. Hello, thank you for response, this was not was advised rather more that the person in charge of this did not turn up and no other key was available. Regards

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