Beaver, Cub and Scout Air Activities Day – Saturday 11 May 2019
Around 75 Scouts, Cubs and Beavers arrived at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum today (Saturday 11th May 2019) to take part in various Aviation Skills badges.
The Beavers were working on Stage 1 and learned about the 446 Bomb Group, what an airliner looks like, what role our Sea Prince performed for the Royal Navy as well as making and flying a Polystyrene plane and a Stomp Rocket.
The Cubs Learned about Airfield Dangers, different types of aircraft and parts of an aircraft, plus again making and flying the polystyrene planes and stomp rockets.
The Scouts Learned the Phonetic Alphabet, Charts and Navigation, How to get a weather forecast for flying (and when we don’t) plus trimming a glider for straight and level flight.
All of the participants also had a go on at least one type of Flight Simulator in the museum.
Everyone agreed that they had enjoyed the day and left having done everything, or for the Scouts almost everything, towards the relevant stage of the badge.
What a great day we all had.