Today @ NASAM – East Coast Pirates – 12 May 2019

Today  at the Museum – Sunday 12th May 2019

East Coast Pirates Car Club Meeting

The East Coast Pirates Car Club held it’s annual run and meeting at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum today Sunday 12th May 2019. 

The club, which holds the meeting each year at the museum, is Great Yarmouth’s largest car club.  Formed in August 2006 by a group of friends and a club that has been growing ever since, they always welcome new members. 

The vehicles that turned up today were an eclectic mix, with both old and new, modified, hotrod and sports cars, bikes and trikes.  

The East Coast Pirates Facebook page can be found at East Coast Pirates

Our treasurer reported that; what a day at Flixton today, she thinks it was one of the busiest day she could remember, and that when she arrived at 8.15am, there were cars already waiting to get in.  With glorious sunshine all day and more visitors than on most event days, it was a great day out for all.

Some images from the day …. (click to enlarge) …

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