The Great Easter Quiz

The Great Easter Quiz

The Great Easter Quiz

Bored this Easter, unable to hunt Easter Eggs, looking for something a bit different?

How about a museum quiz from the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum. The answers are all on our web site Aviation Museum

You might have to search a bit though.

  •     Do you know what this photograph is of?
  •     Can you solve the anagram “arborol systemic” which is one of our aircraft?
  •     Do you know who Albert Krassman was?


If you do, then you’re ideally placed to have a go, even if you don’t, then you can still have a go.

Submit your answers via the link at the bottom of the quiz page; we’ll tell you how many you got right. We will also post the correct answers next week. We’ll also post the winner(s) name, with permission of course. We won’t retain your email address from this either, so this isn’t a marketing ploy!

There isn’t a prize, just honour and glory, well not much of that either truth be told.

But it is a bit of fun that will keep you occupied for a while whilst you stay at home.

Stay Safe

Follow the link to the quiz … The Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum Great Easter Quix

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