NASAM Video Tour No3

NASAM Video Tour No3

NASAM Video Tour No3 … Three More Of Our Aircraft …

This is the third short video tour and features three of our aircraft out of the 60+ that we have in the museum.  The three are:

  • FELIXSTOWE F.5. This is the nose section of a Felixstowe F.5 Flyingboat, built around 1918.  It was discovered in a garden in Felixstowe whilst being used as a potting shed until someone recognised what it was and it was moved to the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum. 230 Squadron, when based at Felixstowe between 1918 to 1922, were equipped with Felixstowe F5 aircraft.
  • BOEING STEARMAN PT-27 KAYDET.  This is a composite, fuselage frame of 42-15662/RAF-RCAF FJ80, plus components from other Stearman.
  • BRISTOL SYCAMORE HR.14,  Built in 1955, XG518 served with the RAF and is displayed as an Air Sea Rescue version. Sycamores were based at Norwich Airport when it was an RAF Station known as RAF Horsham St Faiths.  More information on our Sycamore aircraft can be found in a previous blog @ Sycamores

UPDATE After the blog was first published we were contacted by Alan Greenwood who provided a couple of photos taken in Aden when XG518 was stationed there along with a sister Sycamore XL829. 

These photos can be seen below.  CLICK SEE PHOTOS

Video Tour

Images of the three aircraft from our main website can be seen at the foot of the page.  With more video tours to come, keep reading the NASAM BLOG for further updates.

Can you help the Museum

In these financially constrained times, with the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum temporarily closed, we are grateful for any help that we can get in keeping the museum running. 

The museum gathers a great deal of its income from donations given by visitors as they tour the various buildings and aircraft.  Despite the temporary closure and the subsequent lack of footfall through the museum, we still have ongoing costs in maintenance, insurance and utilities.  There are two ways in which you can help if you wish.  Either by becoming a museum member or by making a donation.

           To make a donation to the Museum please click on the button here.

If you would like to become a member of the Museum and benefit from what membership can bring, even if you do not live locally, please follow this link to our main website to see the full details of membership.

We thank you for any help given.

Images of the three aircraft (hover for info, click to enlarge)

Photos provided by permission of Alan Greenwood

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