NASAM Video Tour No4

NASAM Video Tour No4

NASAM Video Tour No4 … Engineering Workshops …

Plus a view of the Auster Restoration

This is the fourth short video tour at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum and give a brief behind the scenes look into the Engineering Workshop and the Auster renovation that is currently being undertaken there.

The aircraft being renovated is AUSTER AOP T10 – VX123

The incomplete remains of this aircraft were donated to the museum over a period of time starting in July 2016 as components were traced to locations in Felthorpe and Fakenham. Members led by John Self are now restoring it to its final military configuration as an Auster T.10 of the Army Air Corps.

The aircraft was originally built as an AOP.6 and converted to T.10 in 1960. It had served with 661and 663 Army Air Corps Squadrons and the Army Air Corps College. Following its sale by the MOD, it was converted to a Beagle Terrier and registered G-ARLP, and first flew as such on 5.7.1961.

Video Tour

Images of the Auster restoration can be seen at the foot of the page, as well as some of the stills in the video.

If you would like to help with restoration projects or in any other role around the museum, please follow the link to see how you could help.

Volunteer @ the Museum

With more video tours to come, keep reading the NASAM BLOG for further updates.

Can you help the Museum

In these financially constrained times, with the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum temporarily closed, we are grateful for any help that we can get in keeping the museum running. 

The museum gathers a great deal of its income from donations given by visitors as they tour the various buildings and aircraft.  Despite the temporary closure and the subsequent lack of footfall through the museum, we still have ongoing costs in maintenance, insurance and utilities.  There are two ways in which you can help if you wish.  Either by becoming a museum member or by making a donation.

           To make a donation to the Museum please click on the button here.

If you would like to become a member of the Museum and benefit from what membership can bring, even if you do not live locally, please follow this link to our main website to see the full details of membership.

We thank you for any help given.

Images of the Auster restoration (hover for info, click to enlarge)

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2 thoughts on “NASAM Video Tour No4”

  1. Bill Bunting

    Hi, Bill Bunting from Edenvale Classic Aircraft Foundation in Ontario Canada. we have an A.O.P. VI here and a “trainer conversion kit”. I’m not sure the orgin of the kit but the previous owner said it came from England. It contains a control column and rudder pedeals. we tried to put it into our Auster but were uunable as the instrument panel has been significantly enlarged and now is too tall/low to give clearance for the column. We may be interested in swapping it. We are looking for original seats and /or overhead and side canopy parts as these were replaced by metal and fabric at some time. You can contact me at my email address on file with you.

    1. Hi Bill, I have passed your details on to the Chairman, who I know will be in touch with you. Many thanks for responding to our blog … Pete (bloginfo)

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