Online Weekly Flier – 20/11/20

Online Weekly Flier – 20/11/20

Update from NASAM as at 20 Nov 20 …


Weekly Flier

Continuing with the weekly publication of news from the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum, this is the fourth edition of the Weekly Flier, a selection comments and things that have happened over the last week or two, together with snippets of information, some photos, bits of videos and how to help the museum etc.   


Any gallery style images to do with the article are shown below the text.  To enlarge those gallery images, simply click on them.  Other images posted in or around the text cannot be enlarged.


Closed Until Further Notice

As you will be aware from the press and various media outlets, Museums continue to be closed due to the COVID situation and the national lockdown that has been in force from 5th November.  The Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum closed its doors on Monday 2nd Nov 2020, and we are CLOSED to the public until further notice.

The museum committee will be meeting regularly to discuss the COVID situation.  We will advise the public of the outcome of these discussions as they affect the OPEN and CLOSED dates, and try to keep you updated via this blog and our Social Media pages.  You can find our Social Media Pages by clicking on the buttons below.


Museum Manager Update

The closing date for the application for the post of Museum Manager has now expired, and a good number of applications were received.  These applications are being reviewed, and a selection process is being performed by the Museum Trustees to reduce the number down.  Six applicants will be chosen and then invited to a further interview and presentation process.

Provided the lockdown has been relaxed enough for people to travel, it is planned that the six people will be invited to the Museum on Tuesday and Wednesday the 15th and 16th December. 

All being well, and a person chosen, the successful candidate will be invited to commence employment in February 2021 and have sufficient induction time before the Museum reopens in earnest in March.

Further updates will be given.

Steve Bell

The Shed

Having published a small article last week, on the construction of the shed at the entrance to the Museum that will become our Visitor Reception Point, we mentioned that it would need a few modifications and also that it would need painting in the spring.  Suggestions were that it should it be painted, Green and Brown camouflage like an RAF guard room or Red and White checks like a runway control caravan, and posed the question “have we missed a suitable colour scheme?”.

Well, that did promote a response to the editor of the blog that “the colour scheme for the shed should be RAF blue.” and that “camo green and brown will be lost in the background when approached and red and white squares will jar on the eye.” 

That prompted me to play with the photo editor for a while …  It could probably stand another coat of paint



Weekly Work

  • Office Refurbishment

The redecoration and refurbishment of the office continues to attract our major effort at the moment. Most of the contents have been removed into temporary storage and work to fill the holes in the walls and move electrical points continue.

The aim is to redecorate most of the walls next week then move the rest of the contents such that we can complete the work. Then we can start to replace most of the contents (some will remain stored elsewhere).

  • Phantom

The Sidewinder missiles were painted a few months ago, this week six volunteers managed, under the instruction of an ex-navy weapons expert, to refit them to the aircraft. Why six volunteers, they are mighty heavy!

This just leaves the Skyflash missiles, the plan is to create stands for these under the fuselage and display them there. This will protect them whilst enabling them to be more easily seen as when fitted they are recessed into the fuselage.

Steve Bell

Super Sabre Repaint

As mentioned last week, we have included in this Weekly Flier an update of the photo record of the North American F-100D Super Sabre 54-2196 repaint as published two weeks ago.  This update is to include some video shot in the summer by two drone pilots that visited the museum on a closed day to practice their flying and photographic skills.  The results of that day have been sent to the museum with permission to use the videos as we want.  These videos below are unedited and show the pilots trying to master the skills of flying and taking photos at the same time.  There are some pauses in the videos as they work out what to do next.  I am hoping that they will return and take some more videos for us to enjoy.

It was fortuitous that they came on the day when the primer had been applied to the aircraft and was awaiting a topcoat. 

I have only published the video portion that has been added to the YouTube channel that we have.  That full version of the video can be found @ 

Super Sabre Repaint (YouTube Version)

The video (unedited) also includes a brief peek into the cockpit area, not something that we normally get to see.

bloginfo (with thanks to the drone pilots)

Coming Next Week

Currently nothing in the pipeline.


Would You Like To Help

There are several ways you can help the museum, from becoming a Museum Member, by Volunteering to help at the museum, or by donating to assist in our running costs.  To become a Museum Member or to Volunteer Member, please click on the appropriate button below to see the details on our main website.


To donate, please click the donate button below to be taken to our donations page.


For all other details on the museum, please go to our main web page by clicking on the picture below.

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