08/01/21 – Update from NASAM …
We Are Now Closed (Temporarily)
Because of the effects of the Coronavirus, and the National Lockdown, the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum has once again had to close its doors temporarily. We do not know the scale of this closure or when we will be able to reopen again to the public, or indeed under what circumstances we will be allowed to open.
The Committee will be keeping a close watch on the situation, and the volunteers will continue to carry out essential maintenance on the site ensuring that we will be ready to open again once we are allowed to do so, and when we have the staff in place to ensure we can maintain public safety. See the comments “Update From The Chair” below.
Please keep an eye on this blog and our various Social Media Accounts in order to receive the latest updates and to see when the museum will once again open its doors.
You can get email notifications of new blog postings by completing the form @ Sign Up for Blog Notifications
Links to the various Social Media Sites can be found at the foot of this blog.
In This Edition of the NASAM Online Flier
- We are Now Closed
- Update From The Chair
- 2020 What a Year
- New Year Quiz
- Recent Happenings
- Canine Capers
- Visitor Reception Point Update
- Christmas Eve at the Museum
- VRP Paint Scheme
- Gallery Section
- Coming Next Edition
- Answers to New Year Quiz
- Sea Vixen Videos
Would You Like To Help
This is the first edition of the NASAM Online Flier for 2021.
2020 was a difficult year for the museum due to the COVID situation. I would like to thank all the volunteers and contributors who have sent me articles and photos to keep the blog running. Your help is very much appreciated.
It is hoped to be able to publish a reasonable number of blogs during the time that we are closed to keep you updated.
At the foot of the blog is some information on how you could help the museum in these difficult financial times if you wish to do so.
Update From The Chair
If you are a regular reader of this blog you will be aware that we were recruiting for a new manager. We created a shortlist and interviewed them during the period of relative freedom in December. We selected a candidate and made an offer. Unfortunately, they decided not to accept this due to the uncertain nature of things at the moment. The trustees decided that the current level of uncertainty is not the right time to search again and have put recruitment on hold until later in the year.
Sadly we have had to conclude that now is not the right time for volunteers to be at the museum either. The site is currently on “care and maintenance” with only regular security and maintenance checks taking place. Normal work will resume when the situation eases.
Whilst locked down there are some projects that we can undertake, we are looking to undertake a slight refresh of our web site, and to start scanning the thousands of photographs that have been donated to the museum over the years.
We have some other projects that we are looking to commence once we can get volunteers back to the museum, so watch this space for details.
Steve Bell
2020 What a Year
Twenty Twenty, what a year
Threw so much that we should fear
When we started things were great
Who would have thought that was our fate
To be confined in our own homes
Locked alone just as in tombs
Summer brought us some respite
We got together, used our might
The museum we did transform
COVID safe, that’s the new norm
We worked together used our strengths
But at distance, stay two arm’s lengths
In the autumn our gates we opened
Visitors returned, were glad they said
Of our achievement, we should be proud
Let’s go out and shout it loud
Twenty Twenty One, what a year
Let us hope it brings much cheer
New Year Quiz
The following quiz is based on the aircraft that we have at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum. The best source of answers is our main web site @ aviationmuseum.net .
Part 1 – Aircraft names from our collection
- The man’s servant says thanks
- A wonderful sword
- Orion was one, as was Nimrod
- Female fox on the water
- The young lady rips it
- A sanguine taste?
- Male companion to the egg layer
- A very hot mouth?
- Head of the college
- Resident that might fear a horse
Part 2 – Sums – again from our collection
What aircraft is missing from these sums to make them correct?
- Super Sabre times Phantom plus what times Felixstowe plus Valetta equals Bomb Group
- Flea plus what equals Mig
- Vampire times what equals Lockheed Shooting Star
- Which 446BG squadron equals (Shackleton times Anson minus Whirlwind HAR) times Luton Major times Jet Provost
- What divided by Sea Harrier equals Sycamore
The results of the quiz will be published in the next blog.
Recent Happenings
These are updates to projects and things that have happened since the last publication of a blog. This covers the period from mid-December through to this last week.
Canine Capers
On Saturday the 19th Dec, we once again had a pre-planned and organised visit from a group who train their dogs in scent work. The team came to put their dogs through their paces at the museum with the dogs searching the areas for catnip and cheese scented Christmas crackers. The canine companions came in the festive spirit and dressed for the occasion. We look forward to welcoming them back in the New Year. Photos from the day are below taken by a member of staff and from the Dog Trainer Facebook Page.
Photos from Facebook and Steve
Visitor Reception Point (VRP) Update
Dave and Michael modified two of the windows at the front of the Visitor Reception. The two below the porch we built last week are now casement windows so people outside can talk more easily to someone inside. They require window catches and locks so we left them temporarily screwed shut until we get the bits later this week. They should be usable for the next opening day.
So now it is over to the painters to do the exterior in its new livery (see below).
Update and Photos from Michael on 22 Dec 20
Christmas Eve at the Museum
The photos below show the sight that greeted the volunteers when they went in on Christmas Eve to tidy up and put all the artwork back into storage once it became known that the museum would be unable to open in the last three days of the year. The Tier 4 restrictions put paid to what was to be the last opening days of 2020.
Fortunately, no damage was done to the buildings or the aircraft.
Update and Photos from Steve
VRP Paint Scheme
As we reported in the blog on the 27th Nov 2020, the volunteers who attend the museum were asked to suggest which colour they would like to see the shed, as it was then referred to, painted. The suggestion was Green and Brown camouflage like an RAF guard room or Red and White checks like a runway control caravan. A further colour of RAF Blue was then added to the list as suggested by one of the readers.
In the blog of the 11th Dec 2020, discussions were ongoing with the Volunteers as to what colour the shed, now named the Visitor Reception point (VRP) should be painted. It seems that the Red and White Squares were competing with the RAF Blue.
After all the votes were counted, the Red and White Squares held favourite. It is now over to the paint team to complete the VRP with the runway control caravan theme as soon as the weather, COVID and volunteer resources permit.
Gallery Section
Photos from the various articles above are now all shown in one Gallery for ease. To enlarge an image, please click on it.
Thanks this edition go to – Facebook, Michael, & Steve.
Coming In The Next Edition
When we get to the next edition, and that will depend on what input is forthcoming, the following will be in the blog.
Answers to the New Year Quiz
We will publish the answers to the New Year Quiz and the maths solutions.
Sea Vixen
We will take a “video” look at the de HAVILLAND SEA VIXEN FAW.1 – XJ482. This aircraft is in our lower compound next to the Whirlwind Helicopter featured in a previous blog. More details on the aircraft will be published in the blog with a link to the Information Board for the aircraft.
Would You Like To Help
There are several ways you can help the museum, from becoming a Museum Member, by Volunteering to help at the museum, or by donating to assist in our running costs. To become a Museum Member or to Volunteer Member, please click on the appropriate button below to see the details on our main website.
To donate, please click the donate button below to be taken to our donations page.
For all other details on the museum, please go to our main web page by clicking on the picture below.
Follow us on Social Media, email us or visit our Main Website.
Great update. What a year!!!!!