RAF Flypasts @ NASAM

RAF Flypasts @ NASAM

Event Days and Flypasts

Starting in April, and running through to the end of summer, there will be a number of event days at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum

As part of those events, we have requested that the Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) and the Royal Air Force Red Arrows carry out flypasts at these events whenever they are transiting the area. 

We are pleased to say that the BBMF have notified us that on four of those event days in April and May, they will provide a flypast at the museum.  The list of events for April and May are shown below.  The four events that have so far been scheduled are highlighted.

Please note that the flypasts are subject to operational commitments and to the weather conditions over the Museum and at the operating bases for these aircraft.  Timings will not be confirmed until the day.


10th April 2022

Norfolk Internal Combustion Engine Society Day


17th April 2022

East Anglia Air Ambulance Easter Egg Hunt

A donation to the East Anglia Air Ambulance will be made after this event. 


30th April 2022

Scout Activities Day

The Scout Activities are fully booked.  However, the Museum is open to the General Public

There will be a flypast by the RAF BBMF Spitfire and Hurricane. 

Flypasts are subject to weather conditions and operation commitments on the day. Timings will only be notified on the day


8th May 2022

East Coast Pirates @ NASAM

There will be a flypast by the RAF BBMF Hurricane. 

Flypasts are subject to weather conditions and operation commitments on the day. Timings will only be notified on the day


15th May 2022

40s Themed Day at the Museum

There will be a flypast by the RAF BBMF Hurricane. 

Flypasts are subject to weather conditions and operation commitments on the day. Timings will only be notified on the day


22nd May 2022

Aviation Art and Plastic Model Show

There will be a flypast by the RAF BBMF  Lancaster. 

Flypasts are subject to weather conditions and operation commitments on the day. Timings will only be notified on the day


Would You Like To Help

There are a number of ways you can help the museum in these difficult financial times, especially for a volunteer-run charity organisation such as the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum.  If you wish, you could become a Museum Member by paying a small fee each year, or you could make a one-off donation to help with our running costs. 

To become a Museum Member or a Volunteer Member please click on the appropriate button below to see the details on our main website.

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To make a donation please click the donate button below to be taken to our donations page.

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