NASAM Update as of the 6th July 2022
General Updates
It is now five years, yesterday since the first NASAM BLOG was published back in July 2017. The first blog “446 Memorial Site ……..” was my first step into the world of blogs, vlogs and the like. This first one was very rudimentary and contained little formatting, few words and even fewer images. The first blog is reproduced below.
From July 2017
446 Memorial Site …………..
Ground Force recently reinstalled the seat at the Memorial Site on the old Bungay Airfield …
The seat having previously rotted away and was in danger of collapse. Ground Force removed the seat and transported it to Flixton where Dave in Workshops made new uprights and John did the varnishing. Ground Force (the two Pete’s) reinstalled the seat and it is now firmly back on site.

The remaining wooden information sign will need to be similarly treated as this is rotting away. Probably a project for the winter months.

Annual General Meeting
For Museum Members only, notice herby given that there will be an Annual General Meeting of the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum. The meeting is to be held on Tuesday the 12th of July 2022 commencing at 1900 in the main hangar at the Museum. All museum members are invited to attend.
In This Edition
In this short edition of the Online Flier, we have updates from Malcolm and the Model Maintenance Unit on tour, publicising the Museum. Another in the Archive updates, where Graham found an old Rogues Gallery photo. There being no indication of when or where it was taken, Graham found it glued into a scrapbook without any further info!! Graham asks if anyone has any information. Should we get any updates, I will include them in future editions.
Pete S
Model Maintenance Unit
Sunday 26th June presented an opportunity to promote the Museum through IPMS West Suffolk Model Club.
Six club members attended a show organised by fellow club IPMS West Norfolk held at Littleport Leisure Centre. We were one of about 20 clubs from various parts of England displaying the fruits of our hobby. As a sideline two of our members won awards, silver and gold, for one of their models displayed on our table.
As can be seen from the photo I displayed 5 museum models in various states, from needing to be refurbished to refurbish complete (Tempest). The display attracted plenty of attention, lots of leaflets issued with promises of future visits, and also several tips gained to assist in the refurbishment program. I even picked up some reasonably cheap second-hand kits which would enhance the future Training Command display.
Malcolm G
(Photo) MMU Update
From the Archives
Rogues Gallery #1 – from the NASAM Archive
So here’s a teaser from the Magazine Store – recently unearthed in a mass of weightier material from a scrapbook of newspaper and magazine cuttings that was donated by an un-named collector back in 2004. Amongst the general items and pictures of aviation-related matters in East Anglia was a real gem.
The picture does come with a caption, but there is no indication of the date, the newspaper concerned or the members of the team that are included in the photograph. The caption simply records “… A group of Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum members – looking more like a platoon from “Dad’s Army” – had a model of part of their “historic flight” on parade in Bungay”.
Eight, relatively, adult members of the platoon are included in the picture – one of whom is suitably dressed in the cockpit of the ‘wrecked’ Messerschmitt109, which is the real focus of the photo. There are also three junior aviators in the picture, one of whom seems to be wearing a shrunken Link Trainer.
Does anyone remember this model and if so, whatever happened to it – it looks like it should still be gracing the halls of the Museum today.
Also, can anyone identify those photographed – or will anyone actually admit to being included in the photo??
We need to know…!!
The Repeat Info
The repeat information is still here I’m afraid, and I make no apologies for keeping his section in our blog. We are a charitable organisation relying on monies from the public to keep us going. Any help we receive is gratefully accepted and enables the museum to continue in our mission “To conserve, preserve and promote the history of aviation in East Anglia, whilst providing a fun, family-friendly and interactive museum, promoting education and remembrance of the events of the past“.
Are you thinking of helping ??
We obtain most of our finances by donations and by membership fees. We save money by having a dedicated group of volunteers that keep the museum and the exhibits both manned and maintained. We hope therefore a few people may consider helping in the ways below.
There are three easy ways to help: Help by becoming a Museum Member, also by Volunteering to help at the museum, or by Donating to assist in our running costs. Please click on the appropriate button below to access the appropriate information:
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To keep up to date with further information, please keep an eye on our Social Media (see the Social Media buttons at the foot of this blog) or click on the button below to be notified by email of any upcoming changes by seeing the latest blog.