2024 AGM Agenda

Norfolk & Suffolk Aviation Museum

Agenda for Annual General Meeting 9th July 2024 at 19:00

Formal Business

  • Previous minutes – copies available at https://www.aviationmuseum.net/MemberPages/MemberFiles/AGM%20Minutes%202023.docx (access needed, request via flixton@gmail.com ) or ask Pam for hardcopy.
  • Chairman’s report )
  • Treasurer’s report )
  • Curator’s report ) All available in print on the day
  • Manager’s report )
  • Re-election of trustees
    • Pam Veale, Brian Johnson and John Self for re-election,
    • Martin Hopkinson and Paul Hunt for formal voting in
    • In addition Ian Dunlop is standing down
  • Adoption of accounts – for an advanced copy please email flixton@gmail.com for location or ask Pam for a hard copy (not available until end of June)
  • Re-appointment of accountants
  • Disposal of Pucara and Shackleton fuselage section
    • Other museums are potentially interested in acquiring these two exhibits. The trustees are seeking suitable other artefacts as swaps. The trustees would like permission from the company members to dispose of these artefacts should the other museums offer swaps considered suitable.
  • Questions from the floor
  • Any other business – to be notified via flixton@gmail.com or via Pam at least three days prior to the AGM

Following the formal business

  • Presentation on charging
  • Presentation on grant/future plan
  • What makes a good visit great – input from floor