Online Flier – 22/06/24

NASAM Update as of the 22nd Jun 2024

In This Edition

Summary of Contents

We start this edition of the blog with an article and photos in “Museum News” of the visit by the South Norfolk and Waveney Conservative Federation, as reported by GaryWe continue “Museum News” with Gary also providing the photos for the Panthers Motorcycle club visit on the 8th of June.  Finally in this section we have photos provided by Joe of the mini(s) that were at the museum on the 16th June 2024.

From the Teams “Inside and Outside – The Museum“, we have Barry’s two updates on the progress of the Paint Team around the aircraft and other necessary jobs needing their attention. In addition, we have Malcolm giving an update on the display of models on the 16th Jun 2024.

Sneak Peek

In this edition, we have a sneak peek into Family Fun Day in July, and one of the events taking place on that day, a “Fun Dog Show“.  More details from Gary in the “Events Information” Section below.

Pete S

Museum News

General news from the Museum

South Norfolk and Waveney Conservative Federation

This visit was originally scheduled to happen late last year. Unfortunately, they had to cancel due to technical issues. They approached the Museum earlier this year, and the event was rearranged for the 6th of June to coincide with the Anniversary of D-Day.

Around 30 visitors attended from 1600 until 2000. The event organiser, Victoria Tuck, had organised external caterers and a Meccano display. She had also arranged a talk by a gentleman about D-Day itself.

This organisation often hosts events throughout the year for its members at different locations. It was a privilege to host them at our museum as part of the D-Day 80th Anniversary Celebrations.

Some of the visitors expressed their amazement at what we had to offer and suggested that they return for another event very soon!

Thanks go to Victoria Tuck and the Catering Crew who made this event possible. Thanks also goes out to Sarah Stebbing and Mike Powell who gave up their time to assist. Photos of the event courtesy of Gary.

It should be noted that this organisation gave a very generous donation to be able to attend. We very much look forward to the possibility of hosting them again one day.


(Photos) SN&WCF Visit

Panther Motorcycle Club – 8th June

On Saturday 8th June we hosted some wonderful old British Motorbikes in the form of the Panther Club. They were scheduled to arrive at 1330 however, they did not turn up until around 1430! The weather on the day had up until that time been rather poor with plenty of rain. At one point we didn’t think that they would even turn up.

When the club turned up the sun came out to greet them. One of the bikes arrived on the back of a pickup truck with the intention that it would be ridden back to Scole! This was the oldest bike on display being manufactured around 1930.

The bikers were all very friendly and passionate about their machines. After many teas, coffees, and cakes they left at around 1600 to ride back to Scole.

The oldest machine is the one with the registration number RJ 1733.  Also note the very interesting aluminium sidecar on one of the machines!


(Photos) Panthers M/C Club 8th June

Aviation Art and Model Day

Better described by Graham on the events pages as “Minis and Mini Models Day at NASAM” the 16th of June 2024 saw a drive out by the Bury St Edmunds Mini Club to the Museum and also a smaller mini display which was the wonderful 1:72 scale models that make up the recreation of the 2005 flight line at the Duxford based Flying Legends air show.  

See below in the MMU update for further photos of the models on display.

(Photos) Minis outside and inside the Hangar

Inside and Outside – The Museum

Information from the various teams

Paint Team Updates

11/06/24 – C’mon Mr UK Weather, give us a break!

Yes folks, today was another unseasonably cold and wet Tuesday in June. With the forecast suggesting rain from about 11am, the team arrived not in the best of spirits. Anyways, the Skipper (Cliff), Mark, Ian and Barry jumped on the Sea Pest and cranked up the sanders and grinders, with the storm clouds gathering in the background (see pic 01). The first shower then duly arrived around 10am and by 11am the boys gave up for the morning. Alternative employment was sought indoors.

The Skip and Ian headed off to BC to move some display cabinets around, while Mark and Barry headed for the Metal Workshop. With the rain coming down, it felt like a good opportunity to knock off a small job for John S. Said job was to paint the new stub wing on the Chipmunk and a coat of Wood Primer was applied before lunch. After lunch, Mark effected a small repair to the back edge of stub wing (see pic 02), on top of the small repair already effected by Roger, who had in John’s words “messed up”, or maybe other words that effect! The next time it rains (probably next week) we will return to apply a topcoat of Light Aircraft Grey.

Elsewhere, Gwen took shelter from her Portakabin Paint-athon and gave the CO2/Oxygen bottle rig another coat of yellow gloss (see pic 03).

While the Wood Primer was drying Barry toddled off to the BP Hangar to finish off the touching up to the Scout Car. Having removed a half inch thick ‘skin’ on the Khaki Brown paint, Barry then painted the near side flank and the top of the front windscreen (see pic 04). The next time it rains (probably next week) we will return to reinstate the Matt Black camouflage detail.

Having finished the Scout Car for the day, Mark then set about reinstating the associated display of (upright) jerry cans that were security chained together. Mark seemed to be somewhat flummoxed by this task, which was reminiscent for a time of a small child trying to fit the appropriately shaped block into the appropriately shaped hole (see pic 05)!

During the week, 54 Squadron had been in touch with Barry about arranging a visit to the Museum to see our recently restored (ex-54) Squadron Hawker Hunter, amongst other things. The exact date is still to be determined but a c.20 strong delegation may descend upon us sometime in mid-July.

18/06/24 – Put your back into it lad!

Yes folks, with the weather set fair for a change and it feeling almost like Summer, the mood in the camp was more upbeat this week. Except for Corporal Jones. Poor old Jonesy had gone down with a bad back which meant reduced horsepower and light duties for the day. The ever imaginative (Carry On) Kellerher was soon on Jonesy’s back, espousing forth all sorts of ‘back’ related quips (seems a bit spineless to me – Ed.).

Those fully fit mustered around the Sea Pest and cranked up the sanders and grinders. Mark spent the entire day on top of the starboard wing (see pic 06). The Skipper (Cliff) took up station on the starboard fuselage (see pic 07), while Private Walker spent the entire day on the port wing (see pic 08). By close of play the top of the port wing was complete, plus 75% of the starboard wing and Cliff had got about two thirds of the way down the starboard fuselage… to be continued.

In other slightly repetitive news, Gwen continued with her paint-athon of all the outbuildings, and renewed her appreciation for all things OSB (see pic 09), not!

The ‘light duties’ detail went off to find things to paint that didn’t require any clambering on or over aircraft. Corporal Jones made his way to the Metal Workshop where the Chipmunk stub wing was ready for a topcoat in ‘period correct’ Light Aircraft Grey (see pic 10). Initially John and Roger were not particularly enamoured with the colour, which looked a bit like grey primer, but by the end of the day (and a second coat) they had warmed to it a bit (see pic 11).

In between topcoats on the Chipmunk, Corporal Jones went off to attend to another unfinished job. When Air Marshal Sir Roger Austin (former pilot of XG254) unveiled the restored Hunter last October, he commented that the wing tips should have been white (which was the case before the latest resto). Always keen for maximum authenticity, Ian H. requested that the wing tips be put back to white. In the morning Jonesy marked out the port wing tip, ready for paint (see pic 12). According to Sir Roger, the wing tips were painted white for gunnery practice. Without the white tips, it was not always possible to determine whether or not the chasing pilot had scored a ‘hit’ via the dummy tracer rounds as they did not always show up on the gun camera against the standard camouflage wings.    

After a light ‘key’, progress was slowed somewhat by water weeping out of the very corner on the port wing tip. After a quick discussion with Ian, it was decided that we should drill a small drain hole in the corner of the wing.  8 minutes later, water was still dribbling out of the new drain hole. After some dabbing down with a dry cloth and a bit of heat gun action to dry things out, the repaint could commence. And by close of play, two coats of Dacrylate White Enamel had been applied (see pic 13). Job done on the port side (with starboard still to do).


(Photos)  Paint Team Update

MMU Update

At the invitation of the museum, 4 members, including myself, from IPMS West Suffolk attended the museum last Sunday (16th) to take part in the Aviation Art and Model Day. Five tables were allocated to us around the stage area in the main hangar on which we were able to display a multitude of plastic models. These included two themed tables, one of which highlighted the various jets in 1/72 scale which have been flown by the USAF in East Anglia from the 1950’s right through to the examples currently being based at Lakenheath today. The other themed table, my own, gave an overview of the work of the museums Model Maintenance Unit , displaying models which were Pre Restoration ( F-27 and Sunderland),Mid Restoration (P-51D),Post Restoration (B-26B) and lastly one which is a new build, the Valetta, still in the process of being put together.

Throughout the day many conversations were had with the visiting public and all participants enjoyed the event. I am aware a couple of  my colleagues also kept disappearing and returning with new kits purchased from the shop so win win for all.

As you may be able to see from the photo the Valetta build is coming along albeit very slowly. As said before not the easiest of kits to build but it is heading in the right direction.


(Photos)  MMU Update

Event Information

What next at the Museum

Advance Notice for Family Fun Day.

Fun Dog Show

Fun Dog DayWhile there will be lots happening on Family Fun Day, the 21st of July 2024, a first for us at the Museum will be a “Fun Dog Show“.  The intention will be to charge £2 per class (as below), with the first and second being awarded a rosette.

  • Most handsome dog
  • Prettiest bitch
  • Waggiest tail
  • Best in breed
  • Best veteran (7 years or older)
  • Best puppy (up to 12 months)
  • Dog the judge would most like to take home
  • Best in show

Obviously, this will be dependent on the weather we get on the day.


The Repeat Info

Here we are in 2024 and the repeat information is still here I’m afraid, and I make no apologies for keeping his section in our blog.  We are a charitable organisation relying on monies from the public to keep us going.  Any help we receive is gratefully accepted and enables the museum to continue in our mission “To conserve, preserve and promote the history of aviation in East Anglia, whilst providing a fun, family-friendly and interactive museum, promoting education and remembrance of the events of the past“.

Are you thinking of helping ??

We obtain most of our finances by donations and by membership fees.  We save money by having a dedicated group of volunteers that keep the museum and the exhibits both manned and maintained. We hope therefore a few people may consider helping in the ways below.   

There are three easy ways to help:  Help by becoming a Museum Member, also by Volunteering to help at the museum, or by Donating to assist in our running costs. Please click on the appropriate button below to access the appropriate information:

Click to see how to becomeMUSEUM MEMBER   Click to see how to becomeMUSEUM VOLUNTEER   Click to make aDONATION

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Pete S

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