July 2024

Online Flier – 29/07/24

NASAM Update as of the 29th Jul 2024 In This Edition Summary of Contents Short edition this time around, with photos and a write-up from Gary in the “Museum News” section, covering our Family Fun Day, which was on Sunday, the 21st of July 2024.  In addition to the photos from Gary, we have a […]

Online Flier – 29/07/24 Read More »

Online Flier – 20/07/24

NASAM Update as of the 20th Jul 2024 In This Edition Summary of Contents First up in this edition, we have news from Steve B that Air Marshal Sir Roger Austin, KCB, AFC, has agreed to become the museum’s honorary president.  More details on where and when are below.  Then we have word from Tripadvisor

Online Flier – 20/07/24 Read More »

Online Flier – 05/07/24

NASAM Update as of the 5th Jul 2024 In This Edition Summary of Contents First up in this edition are the details of the Museum AGM that will be held on the 9th of July 2024. Proper notice has been given directly to the Museum Members; this is just a reminder of the information already

Online Flier – 05/07/24 Read More »