Online Flier – 03/08/24

NASAM Update as of the 3rd Aug 2024

In This Edition

Summary of Contents

In this edition of the blog “Museum News” we have an update on the Model Brick Weekend that happened at the Museum on Saturday and Sunday the 27th and 28th July.  We have a few words and some photos from  Steve, plus additional photos from Joe.  

From the Teams “Inside and Outside – The Museum“, we have Barry’s Paint Team Update and Malcolm brings us up to date with the models being looked after by the MMU.


In the “Events Information” section, we have a reminder that tomorrow we have the RAFA and Veterans Day at the Museum (the 4th of August 2024), which is also the day when our new Honorary President of the Museum, Air Marshal Sir Roger Austin, KCB, AFC, will be present at the Museum, allowing him to meet visitors and volunteers alike and see the Museum in operation.

Pete S

Museum News

General news from the Museum

Model Brick Weekend

On Saturday and Sunday the 27th & 28th of July the museum was fortunate to be the venue for a model brick exhibition. The club turned up in force and had around 15 tables of displays spread around the museum.

Star Wars met Alpine Railways and The Red Arrows met a Las Vegas style “Tipping Point” machine that visitors could try their hand at. There was also a 40′ loop railway with over 50 locomotives and a city tram system. A trade stand was present so visitors could buy their own kits and have a go themselves.

Word had obviously spread as over 700 visitors attended over the weekend with the car park stretched on several occasions during the two days.

We hope that the club will return to the museum for another exhibition in the future, we are also talking to a Meccano club with the aim of an exhibition of their skills probably next year.

Steve B

(Photos) Model Brick Weekend


Opening Days

Inside and Outside – The Museum

Information from the various teams

Paint Team Updates

Update 30/07/24 – Let’s go round again!

It was a case of ‘scorchio scorchio’ at El Museo this week with the temperature upon arrival already 24 degrees and with 30 on the cards.

So, it was ‘slip slap slop’ plus ‘Tenko’ hats all round and on with some prep on the hitherto unyielding Sea Prince.

In the morning, Ian set about finishing off the starboard engine and prop (see pic 01), while Mark made a start on the port engine (see pic 02). The Skipper (Cliff) sensibly kept out of the sun, opting to prep the underside of the port wing (see pic 03). Up top, Tony finished grinding off all the old fibre glass roof patches (see pic 04) so that he could effect some new repairs using Flashband.

Talking of bands, down the back Barry finished off sanding the undersides of the rear fuselage before switching into Average White Band mode. Following a casual inspection of the rear of the Sea Prince it was evident that there were quite a few areas of previously prepped fuselage where further ‘lifting’ of paint had occurred. So, it was a case of “let’s go round again, one more time” (see pic 05).

Elsewhere, Gwen carried on with her Paint-athon, managing to get a little further with Bomber Command (see pic 06) before it got too hot for our resident octogenarian to continue. Respect.

After a sweaty lunch, the boys got back on it with Ian joining Mark and Cliff on the port side (see pic 07). During the prep of the port engine, Mark sanded back and revealed a couple of interesting marker plates (see pic 08). These appeared to cover installation of the spinner and the setting up of the timings of the magnetos firing on the engine crank. Fed up with going round again, Barry changed tactics in the arvo and prepped the (thankfully rivetless) starboard undercarriage leg and wheel.

By close of play, Tony had managed to prep the holes in the roof with bitumen (see pic 09). He also applied the first patch of Flashband (see pic 10) which proved rather difficult due to the less than optimal (high) working temperature.


(Photos)  Paint Team Update

MMU Update

Following on from my last report, the Valetta is now beginning to look like a Valetta. Wings and Tail have been attached although not without a good deal of plastic putty filler , especially at the wing roots. I also had to remove and reposition the engine nacelles as they were originally out of line. The model has now received a grey undercoat as a base for future painting.

I have finally completed the refurbishment of the 1/32 P-51D which represents a Bodney based aircraft. It’s not perfect but certainly displayable, was impressed with the aftermarket decals I purchased for it, went on very easily.

The other refurb that I also mentioned last blog was the Merlin engined Beaufighter IIF, 1/72 scale. This one had to have replacement crew, canopies, one main undercarriage and doors plus a nose aerial was added. As said before the tailplanes were also altered so they became horizontal instead of being tilted upwards. In the end I decided to do a full repaint and new decals depicting a machine which flew out of RAF Exeter, wanted markings for a Coltishall machine but unable to source these.

New to the bench is a new build Lockheed Hudson. A recent request for this type was unknowingly, at the time, satisfied by a Lockheed Ventura, a very similar aircraft. Having been unable to find a Hudson in storage I managed to obtain an Italeri kit . Presently still working on the insides of the fuselage, a lot of features which will probably be unseen when the two sides come together.


(Photos) MMU update

Event Information

What next at the Museum

August Events

The next event at the Museum is tomorrow, the 4th of August 2024.  For more details of the event taking place, click on the appropriate poster below.

Pete S

The Repeat Info

Here we are in 2024 and the repeat information is still here I’m afraid, and I make no apologies for keeping his section in our blog.  We are a charitable organisation relying on monies from the public to keep us going.  Any help we receive is gratefully accepted and enables the museum to continue in our mission “To conserve, preserve and promote the history of aviation in East Anglia, whilst providing a fun, family-friendly and interactive museum, promoting education and remembrance of the events of the past“.

Are you thinking of helping ??

We obtain most of our finances by donations and by membership fees.  We save money by having a dedicated group of volunteers that keep the museum and the exhibits both manned and maintained. We hope therefore a few people may consider helping in the ways below.   

There are three easy ways to help:  Help by becoming a Museum Member, also by Volunteering to help at the museum, or by Donating to assist in our running costs. Please click on the appropriate button below to access the appropriate information:

Click to see how to becomeMUSEUM MEMBER   Click to see how to becomeMUSEUM VOLUNTEER   Click to make aDONATION

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Pete S

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