Online Flier – 16/08/24

NASAM Update as of the 16th Aug 2024

In This Edition

Summary of Contents

First up in this edition, we have a report from Martin on the RAFA and Veterans Day at the Museum.   This was the day that our new Honorary President, Air Marshal Sir Roger Austin KCB AFC, was introduced to the Museum Volunteers and visitors.  We also have a few photographs from the day taken by Joe to go along with the report.

There is only one update from the teams on “Inside and Outside—The Museum,” where we have Barry’s update from the Painters.

Finally, in this edition, we have details of the main event at the Museum in September, that is being the ROC and Battle of Britain Day on the 15th of September 2024.

Pete S

Museum News

General news from the Museum

Veterans Day

Sunday 4th August was our annual Veterans’ Day celebration where we remember those who have served in our Armed Forces, and where we invite veterans along to meet up and reminisce over old times. We were delighted to host the Royal Air Forces Association and the Norfolk Military Vehicle Group.

Veterans’ Day was also a fitting event to introduce our new Honorary President, Air Marshal Sir Roger Austin KCB AFC . Sir Roger had a distinguished RAF career spanning forty years. He has long been a visitor to NASAM, but his invitation to be our Honorary President was spurred on by his connection with our Hunter FGA9, XG254, which was ‘his’ aircraft back on 54 Sqn in 1966; it still bears the name of ‘Flt Lt RM Austin’, as it did back in the 1960s.

Sir Roger November 2023, unveiling newly painted Hunter

Sir Roger went on to command 54 Sqn before becoming the Officer Commanding No. 4 Sqn, one of the first Harrier squadrons to be formed. He later commanded the Harrier Operational Conversion Unit, which trained all future Harrier pilots. On promotion to group captain, Sir Roger was the Station Commander at RAF Chivenor, home to No. 2 Tactical Weapons Unit, before becoming Commandant of the RAF College, Cranwell. During his guided tour, he met and spoke with many of our visitors as well as a good proportion of the volunteers who ‘keep the show on the road’, as he put it.

Despite the British Summer not being at its kindest on the day, that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of a sizeable group who took to the main hangar to engage in some spirited dancing to the appropriate musical accompaniment provided by the Mike Kendall Singers. This upbeat atmosphere was a hallmark of our Veterans’ Day in what continues to be a thoroughly enjoyable and action-packed Summer of events at NASAM. 


(Photos) Veterans Day

Opening Days

The museum open days until further notice will be:

Inside and Outside – The Museum

Information from the various teams

Paint Team Update

06/08/24 – Light at the end of the… Sea Prince!

Yes folks, a bit of a milestone this week. More on that later. The day started with reduced hands on deck; Cliff having a duvet day and Private Walker on holibobs on the Jurassic coast. So, it was down to Mark, Barry and Tony to keep plugging away on the Sea Pest. Early doors, Tony resumed his roof leak repairs up top, while Mark went about prepping the port engine cowl (see pic 11).

Elsewhere, guess what? Gwen continued with her paint-athon of all the outbuildings. This week, to spice things up a bit over at Bomber Command (see pic 12), Gwen decided to go into full Jackson Pollock mode and proceeded to throw the green paint all over the ladder, the concrete path and indeed herself! To such an extent that a change of T-shirt was required. Spattered and bruised, Gwen called time at midday and went off to have her engine management light looked at.

In the morning, Barry finished off the remaining sections of the Sea Pest’s port wing undersides, before going back over some previously sanded areas that had lifted further in the intervening weeks (we’ve been at this since April!).

After lunch, ‘Flash’ Tony set about cutting and applying patches of Flashband to his bitumen coated holes in the roof (see pic 13). Meanwhile, Mark finished off the port engine cowl and air intake (see pic 14) and Barry prepped the port undercarriage leg and wheel.

By close of play, all elements of the Sea Pest had been prepped at least once. Hurrah! Next week we will do a final pass to catch any further lifting areas before pressure washing down the aircraft. Whisper this quietly, but the Paint Team might actually be painting something w/c 19th August, weather and paint deliveries permitting!


(Photos)  Painters Update

Event Information

What next at the Museum

September Event 

The major event in September at the Museum is the ROC and Battle of Britain Day.  For more details of the event click on the poster below.

Pete S

The Repeat Info

Here we are in 2024 and the repeat information is still here I’m afraid, and I make no apologies for keeping his section in our blog.  We are a charitable organisation relying on monies from the public to keep us going.  Any help we receive is gratefully accepted and enables the museum to continue in our mission “To conserve, preserve and promote the history of aviation in East Anglia, whilst providing a fun, family-friendly and interactive museum, promoting education and remembrance of the events of the past“.

Are you thinking of helping ??

We obtain most of our finances by donations and by membership fees.  We save money by having a dedicated group of volunteers that keep the museum and the exhibits both manned and maintained. We hope therefore a few people may consider helping in the ways below.   

There are three easy ways to help:  Help by becoming a Museum Member, also by Volunteering to help at the museum, or by Donating to assist in our running costs. Please click on the appropriate button below to access the appropriate information:

Click to see how to becomeMUSEUM MEMBER   Click to see how to becomeMUSEUM VOLUNTEER   Click to make aDONATION

Keep Up To Date

To keep up to date with further information, please keep an eye on our Social Media (see the Social Media buttons at the foot of this blog) or click on the button below to be notified by email of any upcoming changes by seeing the latest blog. 

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Pete S

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