Flight Sims / Link Room

Link Room Display Part II

Link Room Display Part II  ……. Included in the Link Room are a number of displays such as: Electronic Warfare. The EW display is almost unique although RAF Wyton has a more specialised display based on a training console from the Nimrod R1. Receiving Equipment on display range from A hallicrafters S27 radio and a […]

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Link Room Display Part I – Radio Valves

Link Room Display Part I …… This is a series of short blog postings explaining some of the items we have in the link room and associated display cabinets: Radio Valves. A display in the Link Room shows radio valves from the early days, resembling electric lamps through magnetrons to the last, sub miniature types.

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Sycamore Flight Simulator

Sycamore Flight Simulator- One step forward …… For some time the Link Team have been working on creating a realistic helicopter flight simulator. The eventual aim is to work this directly from the controls of the cutaway Sycamore. The initial problem however is to get the controls synchronized to the flight simulator software. Today we

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