Flight Sims / Link Room

Update from the Flight Simulators (III)

Update from the Flight Simulators (part III) ………. The Redifon Jet Provost simulator was manufactured around 1970; this analogue computer based trainer was used for radio procedure and navigation training.  Acquired in derelict condition without electrical power supply pack and hydraulic power pack it is unlikely to “fly” again as originally designed.  The team are […]

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Junior Engineering Day … October 2017

Junior Engineering Day …… Today (Tuesday 24th October) at Flixton, 24 young people had a chance to take on some new engineering skills. There were five different activities running and participants could have a go at one activity in the morning, and one in the afternoon. Activities available were woodwork, metalwork, electronics, engine maintenance and

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Update from the Flight Simulators (II)

Update from the Flight Simulators (part II) ……….   As mentioned in part I of the updates, with the lack of vacuum on the Link D4, the ANT-18 has been taking the brunt of the workload on the Link area.  This trainer appears to date from 1940 and is operating with problems and limitations, some

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