NASAM Updates

These are information updates from the various sections at the site. These are all the departments.

Another in our Nature at NASAM – Frog

Frog … After the icy blasts of late March, a new shrub I had planted in a pot looked decidedly the worse for wear. After a miraculous recovery, I was determined not to allow drought to complete what winds had failed to do. As water poured from the spout of my watering can, a frog […]

Another in our Nature at NASAM – Frog Read More »

Canberra T4 – WH840 – Restoration

Canberra T4 – WH840 Last winter’s weather caused a few problems for our English Electric Canberra T4. Several pieces of fabric parted company from the plywood covered tail fin. What, plywood on a high speed, high altitude jet bomber?   Yes on the tail fin leading edge section covering some radio equipment.   Luckily patches could be

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The Nelson Run – Sunday 19th Aug 2018

MG Cars at NASAM – The Nelson County Car Run … MG, Classic and Interesting cars arrived at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum throughout Sunday the 19th Aug 2018.  These were participants of the Nelson County Car Run that finished at the Museum, where prizes were awarded and, according to the NAAFI Cafe, copious amounts

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