NASAM Updates

These are information updates from the various sections at the site. These are all the departments.

Family Fun Day 22nd July 2018

Family Fun Day @ NASAM – 22nd July 2018 This year’s family fun day at the museum was certainly warm. Amongst the victims was the face painting. It was so hot that the paint melted rather than stay put on faces! The miniature donkeys were a great success with a constant queue of people waiting […]

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Diary Date – Waveney Valley and District Preservation Society @ Flixton – 29th July 2018

Waveney Valley and District Preservation Society … There will be a gathering of the Waveney Valley and District Preservation Society at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum on Sunday the 29th July 2018.  The Museum doors are open from 1000 to 1700 on this day. Entry and Parking are free with donations, to help keep

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Donation to NASAM – Reginald Stanley Pickles

Reginald Stanley Pickles Flying Helmet and Flying Certificate Donated to the Museum … David Brook, pictured above together with Gp Capt Vic Kendrick RAF (Retd), Pam Veale and Steve Bell, donated his grandfather’s First World War flying helmet and documents to the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum.  (Photo above courtesy of the Eastern Daily Press &

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