NASAM Updates

These are information updates from the various sections at the site. These are all the departments.

Education Centre – HLF Bid Progress

HLF Application to Add an Education Centre ………….. What is this all about ?? An application is being made to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HFL) to obtain a grant towards the construction and fitting out of an Education Centre, at NASAM, attached to the existing hangar buildings.  The Centre will be located where the Fire […]

Education Centre – HLF Bid Progress Read More »

1st Aug 2017 – Busy day at The Museum

1st August 2017 at the Museum ………….. The museum was very busy today with lots of families visiting. Most of our interactive attractions were up and running and visitors were able to handle second world war weapons, sit in a helicopter (and pretend to fly it), fly from Caernarfon to Valley in a flight simulator,

1st Aug 2017 – Busy day at The Museum Read More »