446 Bomb Group Memorial Site

446 Bomb Group Memorial Site ….

Ground Force today completed the repairs to the “Friars to Flyers” Information Board at the 446 Bomb Group Memorial Site on the old airfield..  This previously installed information board had rotted through at the base and was in a poor state of repair.

So Ground Force (namely John L) has had new support posts fashioned and aided by the rest of the Ground Force Team (two Peters and another John), this information board has now been re-installed in its rightful place alongside the Memorial Stone.

The day was completed by some of the team tidying up the surrounding areas, cutting the grass and washing the flagpole. 

The seat having been repaired and replaced back in July last year, the 446 Bomb Group Memorial Site is now fully restored and spruced up.

The previous update can be seen in an earlier posting at::  446 Memorial Site

Author:: Pete Scott


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