Christmas Refurbishment @ NASAM – Wed 19 Dec 2018

Christmas Refurbishment @ NASAM – Wed 19 Dec 2018

Day eight of the shop refurbishment and the fifth major day of volunteer work saw us encounter our first problem, the carpenters have made the cabinets the wrong shape.

They have made them perfectly square, unfortunately, the shop floor isn’t quite the same shape! We have now put in the first two cabinets (in the corner) and packed underneath them so that they stand square. A small cabinet is also in place along with the covering on the South wall.

 More cabinets and the counter will be installed in the coming days in preparation for the new floor covering to be laid.

The toilets are all now decorated and ready for the fittings.

Images from the day

 Author:: Steve Bell



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1 thought on “Christmas Refurbishment @ NASAM – Wed 19 Dec 2018”

  1. Les Hughes

    Good work guys & gals Be up next year to visit the posh Loo LOL Merry Xmas to you all

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