As some of you will be aware we usually hold the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum Annual General Meeting in May. This year the lockdown prevented us from doing so. The directors recently met and it has been decided that it is now safe to proceed and run one.

The AGM will be held at the museum on Tuesday 11th August at 18:30. We regret that it is only open to Company Members this year due to the need to keep the numbers reasonable.

Certain unusual conditions will be in place:

  • The meeting will be in the hangar provided that we can maintain social distancing, otherwise it will be held outside.
  • We will stand for the meeting unless people are unable to, this is to reduce the cleaning load afterwards.
  • The meeting will be kept to the bare minimum and thus we anticipate a duration of around 15 minutes.
  • We ask that only the disabled toilet is used, again this is to reduce cleaning needs.
  • We will request names and telephone numbers on arrival as we are required to comply with Track and Trace. The information will be kept on paper for 21 days, then securely destroyed. Please note that Track and Trace is voluntary and you can refuse to participate.
  • There will be no food or hot drinks available
  • At the time of writing it is unclear whether masks will be required in the hangar. Please refer to the guidance nearer the time.

We look forward to welcoming company members to the meeting, and very much hope that next year’s edition will be rather more “normal”.

The trustees

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