Online Weekly Flier – 13/11/20

Online Weekly Flier – 13/11/20

Update from NASAM as at 13 Nov 20 …


Weekly Flier

This is the third edition of the Weekly Flier, a selection of things that have happened over the last week or two at the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum and snippets of information about events etc.   


Any gallery style images to do with the article are shown below the text.  To enlarge those gallery images, simply click on them.  Other images posted in or around the text cannot be enlarged.


Closed Until Further Notice

As you will be aware from the press and various media outlets, Museums continue to be closed due to the COVID situation and the national lockdown that has been in force from 5th November.  The Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum closed its doors on Monday 2nd Nov 2020, and we are CLOSED to the public until further notice.

The museum committee will be meeting regularly to discuss the COVID situation.  We will advise the public of the outcome of these discussions as they affect the OPEN and CLOSED dates, and try to keep you updated via this blog and our Social Media pages.  You can find our Social Media Pages by clicking on the buttons below.


Wreath Laying

Early on Saturday morning (7th Nov), Pam, our Secretary and Treasurer laid two wreaths at the War Memorial in Bungay. This is an annual event of remembrance paid by the Museum to the fallen of the World Wars, and those that gave their lives in service to their countries.

One of the wreaths was from the Norfolk & Suffolk Aviation Museum and the second wreath was for the 446th Bomb Group.

Pam reports that she “felt great sadness that I was the only one present”.

The Shed

Due to the fine and windless weather on Friday 6th Nov, it was decided to erect the shed rather than start on clearing out the office. Four volunteers got the bits out of storage and took them to the prepared pad. Erecting it was fairly simple, the only long jobs were felting the roof and glazing the windows.

The shed will become our Visitor Reception Point and will need a couple of modifications, including insulating and lining. The front windows will need to be converted to open too.

There now remains one question, come the spring what colour should it be painted, Green and Brown camouflage like an RAF guard room or Red and White checks like a runway control caravan. Or have we missed a suitable colour scheme?

Steve Bell

Weekly Work

  • Benches

Winter fast approaches, and as usual, we have brought our many benches into the hangar for protection and maintenance. 

  • NAAFI Screens

The screens are to separate the NAAFI area from the museum area as and when we are able to reopen the NAAFI. The chippies have worked hard to create three large screens which will also enable us to display a significant number of pieces of artwork that we have in store.

Further to the homemade screens funded by the Heritage Lottery Emergency Fund, we have purchased some screens to separate tables within the NAAFI area itself. These screens were also funded by the HLEF.

  • Office Refurbishment

Our major project for the winter is to decorate and refurbish the office. To that end, a team of volunteers started the major task of emptying the contents of the office into storage. The work of decorating and refurbishing the office can now commence as can that of sorting out the contents of the office to ensure that nothing important is lost and that nothing no longer needed takes up much-needed space.

The office will become the operating base for our future manager, recruitment of whom is ongoing, with the applications received being reviewed at the moment.

Steve Bell

Canberra Repaint

As promised from last week, during the renovation of the Canberra T4 WH840, one of the Volunteer Paint Team, Barry Jones, kept a photographic record of the various days that the team worked on the project.  As with the Super Sabre shown last week, those photos have now been stitched together to produce a short video record of the work carried out.  The work was carried out in September last year, and the blog posting of that renovation can be found @

Canberra Gets A New Coat

A shorter, taster, version of that video is below. The full version of the Canberra Repaint video including footage taken by the drone pilots in the summer of 2020 can be found on our YouTube channel @

NASAM Canberra Repaint

bloginfo (with thanks to Barry Jones for the photos)

Coming Next Week

Whilst looking through the many minutes of drone footage taken this last summer by the two drone pilots (for images of the Canberra T4), I came across some taken during the Super Sabre repaint (photo images posted last week).  These drone images show, amongst other insights, is a view into the cockpit of the Super Sabre

The drone images were taken on a day when the aircraft was being primed for the topcoat.

I will publish these drone shots next week and then add them to the YouTube version of the Super Sabre repaint. 


Would You Like To Help

There are several ways you can help the museum, from becoming a Museum Member, by Volunteering to help at the museum, or by donating to assist in our running costs.  To become a Museum Member or to Volunteer Member, please click on the appropriate button below to see the details on our main website.


To donate, please click the donate button below to be taken to our donations page.


For all other details on the museum, please go to our main web page by clicking on the picture below.

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