Flight Sims / Link Room

Bunwell Primary School .. 13 Mar 2018

School Visit ..Bunwell Primary School .. 13 Mar 2018 …. The museum had a group of young visitors today (Tuesday 13th March 2018) that were with us to study the science of flight. The 23 youngsters from Bunwell Primary School went around the museum in four groups doing bases with different volunteers.   One group […]

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Link Room IV .. Carpet Sweeper

Update from the Link Room Part IV …. One of the more interesting items in the Electronic Warfare display is the Transmitter/Receiver 1621 otherwise Carpet II or Carpet Sweeper. TR 1621 was designed to jam the German Wurzburg radar used to control night fighters without needing a skilled operator. The receiver portion tuned across the

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Link Room Display Part III

Link Room Display Part III …….. Continuing with our Link Room displays we also have two more areas of interest, these are: Navigation Equipment. Under the benches lining the gangways is a collection of Navigation equipment ranging from compass, map and watch, through WW2 electronics such as GEE and Loran to almost current equipment. Some

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