NASAM Updates

These are information updates from the various sections at the site. These are all the departments.

Memories of a Beverley

Memories of a Beverley

Beverley – a day to remember … Looking through some old newspaper cuttings recently, and seeing photos that went with it, I was reminded of my first flight in August 1960. I had joined the Royal Observer Corps (ROC) in 1959 aged 15, one year before the joining age (because I was good at aircraft […]

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More Helicopters

More Helicopters

More on Helicopters … Another type of helicopter present in the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum is the Westland Whirlwind; once again we have two. They are very different versions as I will explain. The Whirlwind started life as the Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw, used by the US armed forces in large numbers. The H-19 was

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