BAFUNCS Cambridge Region Visit to NASAM

BAFUNCS Cambridge Region Visit to the Museum

Recently a group from the British Association of Former United Nations Civil Servants (BAFUNCS) visited the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum as part of their regional activities and meetings.  

The group having arrived and settled in for a morning cuppa from our NAAFI themed Café, Terry, our Deputy Chairman gave an introductory talk about the Museum.  The group then spent the rest of the morning being guided around the Museum by Barry and myself seeing inside the three aircraft that we have for viewing, visiting the outside buildings which house our separate museums.  David explained some of the items in our Air Sea Rescue and Coastal Command museum before the group moved onto the other museum buildings containing the Royal Observer Corps Association, RAF Bomber Command and the 446th Bomb Group USAAF.   

On to Workshops, where Terry and John explained the work going being undertaken there including the restoration of the Auster aircraft.  The to the Link Room, Paul and Ray explaining the various Link Trainers and Flight Simulators that we have together with the radio, valves and other electronic artefacts.

Taking lunch at the nearby Buck Inn, the group then spent the afternoon making their way around the various indoor exhibits that we have on display.

The organiser of the visit, Nicky, sent some photos of the visit (below) and the following message to the Museum Staff:

“On behalf of our BAFUNCS group, a huge thanks to you and all your support team for such a splendid day with excellent guiding on our visit to your wonderful museum.  The demonstrations and talks were excellent and informative, also being of particular relevance to many of us who have family connections with the RAF.  We all agree that, given the opportunity, we will definitely be returning!”

We look forward to seeing them again in the future.

Author:: eventinfo

Gallery of photos taken on the day

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2 thoughts on “BAFUNCS Cambridge Region Visit to NASAM”

  1. Nicky Rodgers

    This is a lovely post of our visit. Yes we did have an amazing day at this extraordinary museum, thanks to the dedicated team who offer their time and expertise to display and present memorabilia and history of the RAF.

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