Cherish Brooches donated to the Museum

Cherish Brooches donated to the Museum

Two sisters visited the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum on Saturday the 24th August 2019 , Sally Welch and Beverly Dunkley, both nee Lennox-Lamb. They are the granddaughters of Lennox Lamb (the surname was changed post war) who was the pilot of the Wellington L4288, the remains of which are in the Bomber Command Museum at Flixton.

They wished to present four Cherish Brooches of the RAF emblem to the museum, to go with other items commemorating the crash of the Wellington.

The brooches were sent by Lennox Lamb to his parents Anne and William Lamb, in Masterton, New Zealand during the war. The brooches remained in New Zealand until 2016 when Sally Welch brought them back to the UK after they were given to her by David Perry, a cousin by Lennox’ sister.

They were accepted by Stephen Bell and Ian Dunlop on behalf of the museum on 24th August 2019 and will be placed on display with the remainder of the memorabilia.

Author:: Steve Bell

Images from the day

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