Reopening – Further Updates

Reopening – Further Updates

Reopening the Museum – Further Updates …

Readers of the blog will know from the 21st August update that we intended to carry out Volunteer training this past week.  I can report that the training went well and we have sufficient volunteers willing to come along on the Members Only Admission Day and on the General Public Admission Days to continue with our plans to reopen the museum. 

Modifications have been made in the shop and a screen introduced to protect the volunteers manning the shop and the public using the shop.  Payment can be made by credit card and we have introduced a contactless donation point if you wish to give to the museum.

One way systems have been introduced to help keep social distancing and to aid in the movement around the various parts of the Museum.  Signs such as the ones below will indicate both the one-way system and where there is no entry.

Opening Plans

The plan to open on one day per week continues as does the aim to increase this to two days fairly soon after that.  The currently planned dates for opening are as follows:

  • Firstly

Sunday 30th August

This will be for MUSEUM MEMBERS ONLY.  There will be no admission to the general public.  Entry will be via membership cards only.  Please do not come along on this date unless you are a member.  Non-members will be turned away from the museum.  The reason for this limited number opening is to trial the new procedures and to confirm that the volunteers are happy with their new duties.

Note:  The Volunteers at the entry gate will have a list of those members who have not yet collected their cards.

  • Then

Sunday 6th September

Sunday 13th September

Sunday 20th September

Saturday 26th September

Sunday 27th September

Sunday 4th October

Wednesday 7th October

Opening times will be from 1000 through to 1500 on all days

This will be opening for the GENERAL PUBLIC.  Please note that there will be limits on the number of people we can have on-site and limits to the number of people we can have in the enclosed spaces of the main hangar and outlying smaller museum buildings.  It is possible, therefore, that if the numbers peak beyond that which we are allowed, we may have to turn people away.

Restrictions on All Days

On arrival, visitors will be given leaflets similar to the one below.  This gives basic instructions on what to do to stay safe.

In addition to social distancing, and for the foreseeable future, there will be a different look and feel to the museum as follows:

  • There will be limits to the number of people on-site so that social distancing can be achieved.  There may well be a necessity to turn people away if we become full.
  • The NAAFI will not be open for the first few days.  We are however working on opening the Bric-a-Brac and the NAAFI as soon as we can.  Snacks, ice creams and cold drinks will be available from the shop though.
  • The rooms behind the shop are too small to allow social distancing and as such will not be reopened until requirements around this issue have been resolved.
  • Hands-on exhibits are not allowed, these will be removed or covered. This includes access to aircraft and trying on uniforms and other items.
  • Each building will have a limit on the number of people allowed in at any time, and they will all be manned. This includes the main hangar complex, but that has a capacity of over 90.
  • Other outer buildings, Air Sea Rescue, Bomber Command, Royal Observer Corps and 446 Bomb Group, will be open by rotation during the day, dependant on the number of available volunteers.  Signs such as the ones below will indicate just how many people will be allowed into the building, and if that building is closed.  Pleased respect the Volunteers if they tell you that you cannot enter the building because of the numerical limitations.

Author:: Steve Bell

Further Updates

Further updates to opening schedules will be published after we see the results of the trial day for members and the open days for the public.

Keep your eye on this blog for updates or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.  The museum official pages can be found by clicking on the buttons below.


If you would like to become a museum member or just to simply support us, please follow the link to the Membership page on our main website for more information.

As mentioned above, due to the COVID situation, we have introduced “contactless donations” in the museum and you will find a contactless point if you wish to leave a donation.  If you would like to contribute today towards our reopening costs please click on the button below to follow the link.

Author:: Steve Bell

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